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About Us

Collision Repair Facilities

Heerdt understands the distinct insurance needs of collision repair facilities. Our Garage Liability policy includes auto liability & premises liability, covering employees within their duty scope. We provide premises liability coverage, protecting you if a customer gets injured on your premises. Please note, for employee injuries, a separate Workers Compensation policy is needed.

Workers Compensation for all Types of Businesses

At Heerdt Insurance Group, we ensure that businesses are equipped to offer financial support to their employees in case of workplace injuries. Workers Compensation Insurance, mandated in most states, offers an efficient system for both employers and employees, eliminating litigation. It's more than just health insurance; it's a safety net specifically designed for on-the-job injuries.

Heavy Duty Truck & Mobile Truck Repair Business Insurance

We offer comprehensive insurance solutions for heavy-duty truck and mobile truck repair businesses. Understanding the specific risks of this industry, we're committed to providing coverage that protects your business, employees, and customers.

Franchised RV Dealers & Auto/Truck Dealers

At Heerdt Insurance Group, our team of experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage for your dealership. Our packages typically include Garage Liability, offering combined general and automotive liabilities protection. We also provide Dealers Open Lot insurance to protect your inventory from various elements like wind, hail, flood, fire, vandalism, and collision. Our Garage Keepers Liability covers any damages to vehicles that your dealership doesn't own but has in custody. Auto Liability extends to scenarios such as test drives, service loaners, and shop vehicles. Additionally, we offer Errors & Omissions coverage specific to used car dealerships, along with Umbrella Coverage for excess protection.

Commercial Auto Towing

The unique risks involved in towing businesses demand bespoke insurance coverage. At Heerdt, we offer comprehensive collision coverage, ensuring your vehicle is repaired or replaced in case of an accident. To fully cover all aspects of your commercial auto towing business, we provide additional coverages like General Liability, Garage Liability, Garage Keepers Liability, and Cargo coverage.

Hagerty Specialty Insurance

Specialty insurance is a niche that Heerdt understands well. We offer Hagerty Specialty Insurance, designed to cover unique, rare, or high-value items that standard insurance policies might not cover.

Life Insurance

At Heerdt, we provide various Life Insurance options to ensure you and your loved ones have the financial security you need, no matter what life brings.

At Heerdt Insurance Group, we're committed to guiding you through the world of insurance, making it simpler and more accessible. Your protection is our priority.
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Heerdt Insurance Group